
Thumbnail of Ox-Tongue recipe

Ox-tongues being sold ready pickled or smoked, it becomes almost needless to give instructions for that part of their preparation; it will suffice to say, that to effect the curing of tongues, it will be only necessary to refer to the instructions for pickling pressed beef. The tongue should be boiled very slowly for about two hours and a half; and when done, plunged into cold water to enable you to remove the furred coating or skin; it should then be placed with the root end up against a piece of board set close to the wall by the dresser; and by sticking a strong fork in the top of the tongue, it will by this means be curbed and held in an erect and elegant form, until set quite cold. The tongue must then be trimmed and glazed, if intended to be eaten cold; and if it is to be served hot, should be wrapped up in a sheet of greased paper and warmed in hot water for a quarter of an hour previously to its being garnished, either with dressed spinach, sprouts, cauliflowers, brocoli, Jardiniere, Macedoine, &c.; and served either as a small remove, or flank dish, or even as an entree; in which case it may also be garnished with macaroni, braized cabbage, sauce tomata, piquante, poivrade, &c.

No. 394