Index - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Adelaide sandwiches 358 Apricot water ice 923
Aitch-bone of beef, boiled 384 Aromatic herbaceous seasoning 948
Albert biscuits 780 Arrowroot 989
Allemande sauce 17 sauce 97
Almonds, burnt 1004 Artichokes a la Barigoule 681
cakes 765 a I'ltalienne 683
cream sauce 93 a la Lyonnaise 682
gauffres 753 , preserved 965
milk beverage 983 , puree of 117
milk, or orgeate 1036 with butter sauce 680
paste 955 Jerusalem 698, 699
American drinks 1014 Asparagus garnish 108
yams, a, la Francaise 702 peas a la Creme 685
Anchovies 343 , puree of spruce 113
canopees 335 soup 152
sauce 49 with white sauce 684
toast 338 Aspic jelly 7
Angelica, to preserve green 880 jelly, economical 8
Appetisers for breakfast or light suppers 301 jelly, ham with 930
Apples a la Portugaise 797A jelly, tongue with 931
Apple charlotte 797B Au gratin, turbot with 195
—, compote of 892 Aurora sauce 88
fritters 806    
jelly 998 Baba, or Polish cake 738
marmalade 1002 Bacon and chicken, boiled 473
—, Parisian turnover of 786 how to cure 735
pudding 833 Baked cod's head 228
sauce 50 cod-fish, stuffed 219
tart with quince 803 gurnet 247
tartlets 797-798 haddock 230
Apricots, to bottle 874 hams 454
Apricot biscuits 775 potatoes 705E
—, compote of 896 Ball-supper sandwiches 364
cream 860-868 Barberries, dried 888
ice 1045 Barbel, roach, and dace 276
D'Artois of 789 Barley sugar 1013
dried 883 water 986
German tourte of 785 Baron of hare, German fashion 649
jam 1001 Bath chaps 447
    Bavarian cream 858
    Batter, German frying 289