Calf's Head Hashed

Thumbnail of Calf's Head Hashed recipe

The calf's head for hashing must be prepared in the first instance as directed in the foregoing case; or, as it may happen, the remains of a calf's head dressed for a previous day's dinner, will do equally as well for hashing. In either case, the head must be cut in neatly-trimmed pieces, about the size and form of a five-shilling piece, and placed in a stewpan. Next, chop six shalots and put this in a stewpan with a tablespoonful of Crosse and Blackwell's Indian Chutnee, and a wineglassful of vinegar; boil this down to half its original quantity; then add a pint of the stock in which the calfs head has been boiled, two ounces of glaze, and an ounce of butter kneaded with an ounce and a half of flour; stir this sauce over the fire to boil for a quarter of an hour, and then strain it to the pieces of calf's head; add a little browning to give it a rich colour; simmer all together for ten minutes; pile up the pieces of calf's head in the centre of the dish; garnish round with fried eggs and Indian gherkins; pour the sauce over the whole, and serve.

No. 587