Spinach with Butter

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Pick all the stalks from the spinach; wash it in several waters, and drain it upon a sieve; throw it into a stewpan of hot water with a handful of salt, and keep it boiling until it becomes thoroughly tender; then drain it in a colander, and squeeze all the water from it. the spinach must next be carefully turned over with the point of a knife, to remove any straws or stalks that may have been overlooked; it should then be rubbed through a coarse wire sieve, and placed in a stewpan with about two ounces of butter, a little salt, and grated nutmeg; stir the spinach over the fire with a spoon until it becomes quite warm; then add a spoonful of sauce, a small piece of glaze, and about four ounces of fresh butter; work the whole together with a wooden spoon until well mixed, then pile the spinach up in the centre of the dish, garnish it round with croutons, and serve.

No. 670