
Thumbnail of Swedes recipe

Ingredients:—One pound of pounded sugar, twelve ounces of finely-shred almonds, four ounces of flour, a stick of vanilla (powdered and sifted), and one whole egg, and the white of another. Let the whole of the forenamed ingredients be well mixed together in a basin, and then with a tablespoon proceed to mould the preparation into round balls the size of a large walnut, which are to be placed on pieces of sheet-wafer previously cut to the size of halfcrown-pieces; these must now be placed on baking-sheets, and after slightly shaking some tine sugar over them, are to be baked of a light colour, in a slack oven.

These cakes may also be finished in manner following :—the preparation should be spread, about half an inch thick, upon sheet-wafer; and after being baked of a light colour, and immediately on being taken from the oven, should be cut into leaf-like shapes, and bent over a rolling-pin, till the pieces become cold and crisp. These cakes may be served either for dessert or a second-course dish; in the latter case, some whipped cream must be placed in the centre of the dish.

No. 769