Ginger Pudding

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Put a pint of milk in a stewpan with six ounces of sugar and six ounces of butter, and set this on the fire to boil; as soon as the milk rises, withdraw it, and throw in half a pound of flour, stir this quickly with a wooden spoon to mix it well, and then stir the paste over the fire for a few minutes, until it ceases to adhere to the sides of the stewpan; it must then be withdrawn from the fire, and the yolks of six eggs, and four ounces of chopped preserved ginger well mixed in with it; after which gently incorporate the six whites whipped firm; fill a mould spread with butter with this; steam the pudding in the usual way for an hour and a quarter, and serve with whip sauce, No. 99, in which there has been mixed the syrup from the ginger.

No. 827